Friday, October 14, 2011

Here I sit...

Here I sit, listening to the screaming of angry children not getting their way, or the parents that yell at said children... And I have to wonder, really; what happened to Mortals? What changed them from creatures that had some sense of self preservation, honesty and politeness to what we see today? Maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture here, I mean... there are so many amazing people taking part in things they believe in. Like Occupy Wallstreet. They aren't being dangerous, or stupid (from what I've seen) they are merely voicing their opinions... and in turn they are creating something huge and amazing and magical.

...Yes, I know that not everyone will agree with that. I'm sure that someone out there somewhere is going to scoff at my view of the world, but frankly? I don't care. These are my opinions, and I like my views of the current goings on.

But back to the original topic. What changed? It seems like, for every one Mortal that is following his or her dream, there are 4 or 5 others that are simply... not. They are the bullies, the screamers, the people that are violent and act out... So what happened to the Mortals that will open doors for women or the elderly? What happened to small town chivalry or decency?

Am I missing something? Tell me I am. Tell me I'm missing the big picture, tell me I'm missing the chivalrous men that sill open doors and help old ladies across the street. Tell me I'm blind.

Because really? I'm just confused and slightly down trodden.

(Wow... This wasn't supposed to be a sad post! lol)

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