Well, I suppose I’ve learned a few lessons.

1. Always backup your blog, whether through the program you’re using or even just by having a copy saved in Microsoft word.
2. Tech support is an amazing thing. They fix problems you didn’t realize you had.
3. Glitter fixes most everything…. Not internet/server/blog issues though. *brushes off her laptop*
So there it is. I’m starting fresh. Isn’t that what the Yule season is all about? Out with the old, in with the new. This is all new to me. I’m sad because I remember all of the awesome posts that I feel like I had made. Posts about being yourself, posts about magic and personal discovery. Posts about standing out in the crowd and screaming “look at me!” as opposed to slinking into the shadows. All of these things are still who I am, and I know that they will all find their way back out of me and onto the data that makes up these pages.
So here’s to the future! To a new amazing year and to new beginnings. :)