Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Of new endeavors and emotions

Along with my distraction post I can't help but think about how blessed I am to be able to be so creatively... erratic. There really is no other way to say it.

I have this amazing friend, we've known each other for years and years. When I visited her she and her wife took me to the best fiber shop I've ever seen. I bought so much roving I almost couldn't get it all home in my suitcase.

This led to the interest for spinning and felting from my best friend and her wife. I was sad at first, and to my embarrassment it wasn't because we live too far away to spin together. No, it was because I wasn't sure that I was "special" anymore. That was my inner emotional parts talking, as logic quite often takes a while to catch up.

So I sat there and I talked it out, and felt foolish for it (logic caught up). I realized that there are so many arts and so many people that do said arts in the world, even if two best friends do the same thing, that thing will end up completely different. It's always going to happen that way.

Take spinning for example, my best friend took up needle felting with the wool, her wife? Spinning. She then commented to me that she didn't know how I got the thickness I did and made it look so easy- and that she was still very excited to get the skein that I'm making her.
I think all art can be like that. Trying something new gives you an appreciation for those that already create with that method.

I also think that we can learn from one another, even if we do the same thing. :)

(Random thoughts of the Pooka brought to you by the color Tangello and the letter Cookie.)

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