Friday, March 2, 2012

GalaxyFest 2012

About a week ago Pandora Celtica was down in Colorado Springs gearing up for GalaxyFest 2012.

As a new con we really didn't know what to expect but I have to admit I was rather impressed. Now, let me state that the hotel was this weird maze of halls that all intersected in an almost box-like pattern, and I was lost for the first... day. (Ah, the joys of being a directional-challenged Pooka.) But even that couldn't stop the fun!

Our first night's performance was in a room that was no where near the dealer's room, it was past main events and I admit that I got lost. But the performance itself was really good! We had fun and I was oddly hyper, it was great to be bounding across the floor and dancing. AND! I got a shiny from a very amazing lady.

Saturday was long. I managed to make my feets all sorts of thrashed and paid for it the rest of the weekend. Yay ace bandages to the rescue! Saturday's sets were downright fun, and I managed to catch a touch of the fashion show even!
Though I missed the kilt blowing because I went to change.. and fell asleep. Whoops.

Sunday was just as amazing as the rest, I got to see even more of some of my favorite people and got hugs! Bought shiny things in the dealers room in the form of leather bits and just had FUN! But boy was I ready for 6pm to go home.... :)

Here's to next year!


  1. I recognize that loves you guys...Barbara from HEARTBEAT!

  2. Barbara- Will you guys be selling them ever? Cause I had at least one person REALLY interested in the hat. I sent them over to you :)

  3. Hey Rubiee...all the hats were for sale...we still have several left, and will be making more. I am also working on little velvet drawstring Victorian looking purses. Have them get a hold of me and I can let them know what we have left.

