Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Again with the lack of a "real" tea post. I'm sorry guys. I swear I haven't lost it! I swear...

Recently I've been thinking back to my NaNo novel from 2011, and even before that, my novel from 2007. I took a break at the end of November, after I crested the 50k mark. I haven't touched it since.

Instead I moved to editing the novel from 2007, one that I love but one that needs more work than anything else. So I started to it, with a printed copy and a red pen in hand. I tore that manuscript to bits....

And now I have to re-type it. The bane of my current situation.

So here it is, how do you push through the hard parts of writing? How do you keep going?

1 comment:

  1. by listening to music. mostly PC music helps me, but things like Evanescence and Emilie Autumn are great inspirations too. ^^
