Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Insanity Explained

So some of you may or may not know that I enjoy doing something simply called "Bead Embroidery". You may ask what bead embroidery is, well it's the act of hand stitching millions of tiny beads together to some variety of backing to create a work of art like this:

Sadly I didn't time how long that piece took, it was my very first. Since then I've done a few more:

Well, I find that doing work like this is very relaxing (as crazy as that sounds, I mean come on. Who doesn't enjoy sewing bajillions of tiny beads down?) and so I've started on a new project.

See this corset?

Soon, it's going to be COVERED in beaded embroidery.
Yep. You read that right.

I'm insane :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Of shiny, dreams and insanity.

I'm a bad Pooka aren't I? It's been almost two months since I've posted here... I swear I'm not slacking off!

Instead I'm going to make a photo post of all of the things I've been making. Ready for it? :)

Yay photo spam! What else is going on? Well (in case you didn't know) this Pooka is crazy. I'm plotting something completely shiny-filled... It's going to be epic! Sadly it won't be done in time for Dragon*Con.

Speaking of Dragon*Con- less than a MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!@!! @$#%^&%$%^%&*^ 
I'm not ready!!!!! I feel kind of like my brain is rattling around in my head as I try to but together countless keys, bottles, costumes, clothing.... Oh heavens.

And what else? Oh yes! Pandora Celtica got a new website. This new site includes new photos, songs that you can play, forums, and even bios for each of us! I'm very excited for this new addition.