The transition from winter to spring has always been an amazing thing. Titania always had the flair for the dramatic. This season's transition of the courts was no different.
I was called to Mab's side early on the day of the switch, I was to be with her during the ceremony as I am Duchess of Shadow Grove. (Yes, I know that in Mortal history Duchess' were of royal blood... Faerie often works quite a but differently.)
The day was a whirlwind of preparation. From flowers, (Mab prefers jasmine) to glamour and in my case, glitter. The royal clothiers had their work cut out for them. Mab was demanding, everything had to be perfect.
I know that Titania and her court were going through the same thing that day. All the courts were.
When the clock struck the designated hour (no, I can't tell you what hour) the ceremony began. First, Mab's court entered. They announced us as we arrived and Mab was last.
I remember the glory of her entrance, snow fell softly on the crowd and I caught a few pixies flitting about to catch the flakes. When they did they are them with child-like enthusiasm. I would have laughed if it weren't a court function.
She took her seat at the head of the great hall and a hush fell.
I felt the warmth on the breeze before the snow began to melt, Titania entered the hall. She didn't get an announcement, she didn't need one.
I watched the Spring Queen make her way down the great hall. Where she stepped, flowers bloomed. The room stayed silent, they were all in awe as she shone with spring time glamour. She was so bright that her presence threatened to burn the eyes.
I watched her as she walked, trying not to pull my eyes away for fear of insult. When she reached the dais Mab stood and their eyes met, Mab smiled and spoke the words I knew by heart, "This throne once mine, is passed to you. Guard it well and rule it true. From winter to spring, season to season. Keep Fae safe and give it reason."
Titania responded, "Thank you sister. You have ruled with wisdom, I graciously take my place.. and let spring BEGIN!"
A cheer went up from the crowd. May job was complete and as Titania's court entered, and the winter court took our places among the crowd.
Titania was Queen, Mab became an advisor until the next winter.