Yes, I know that I'm about a week late posting this, but we had the whooole drive home (24 hours) and then I managed to catch the con crud which kicked my butt for a good few days. (Thank goodness for tea!)
(Thank you to Aris and Kendrah for this video and many many others!)
I know that the colors are wonky, but it was the Time Traveler's Ball! We were like... rockstars or something! All of the lights and the people and I got to DANCE during ShadowCat's drum solo! (insert a squee here) I really don't usually... dance. Not like I feel like I was that night on stage, but that could just be a Pooka being completely overwhelmed by adrenaline and many other emotions and energy and yay!The con was AMAZING! I know that last year I had a blast, but this year? Even better. I am still floored by the fact that people RECOGNIZED me in the halls. I mean.. really? I'm humbled, and tickled pink. Thank you to everyone that came by the booth, or came to talk to us after shows. Thank you to the countless people that took photos, the people that allowed me to steal their hats to take photos in them. The Con staff and volunteers that kept everything as sane as possible. The HOTEL STAFF that dealt with our insanity...
I had such a blast singing Filk, talking with everyone at DarkCon, seeing Abney Park (Yay! I made it to their show) with Mudbutton, Got to visit with old friends, make new ones, I learned I can run up at least two flights of stairs in a corset and NOT black out, I learned apple pie is the best drink in the world, and that when given the chance, I will be in Atlanta next year!
I also want to give a special thank you to all of the boothies that dealt with the band's insanity, and to Kendrah and Aris for being so amazing and taking so many videos of us.
And I leave you with... a filk!